Comunication News

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28 de April de 2016

In the Shareholders' Meeting of Marcopolo SA, held in late March, was elected the new members of the Marcopolo's Administrative Council for the period of 2016/2018. The members of the board are the new President, Paulo Cezar da Silva Nunes, Oscar de Paula Bernardes Neto, Vice President, and Directors Luciano Moses Bado, Carlos Alberto Casiraghi, Flavio Cesar Maia Luz, Odair Lucietto (minority shareholder) and Luiza Damasio Ribeiro do Rosario (preferred shareholder). 

The main objective of the new Administrative Council of Marcopolo SA is to define the company's management parameters in order to continue investing in productivity to boost competitiveness and business growth, both in Brazil and abroad. To achieve this, the leadership of the company is focused on increasing quality and safety standards as a strategy to overcome the difficult situation the bus sector is facing in Brazil, as well as to expand its activities and operations in key international markets. 

Photo Credit: Júlio Soares 


Photo Caption: From left to right, standing, Flavio Cesar Maia Luz, Odair Lucietto, Luciano Moses Bado and Carlos Alberto Casiraghi. Sitting, Oscar de Paula Bernardes Neto, Paulo Cezar da Silva Nunes and Luiza Damasio Ribeiro do Rosario.