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11 de August de 2017

A state or municipal school will be chosen for the 2018-2020 triennium

The Marcopolo Foundation launched yesterday, August 10, the ninth edition of the Escolas (Schools) Project, one of the most important and traditional programs promoted by the initiative. Until September 30, public state and municipal schools can sign up for the program to improve the school environment, developed in partnership with municipal and state schools.

Created in 2003, the Escolas Project began after a survey with Marcopolo’s collaborators, where it was suggested that the Marcopolo Foundation could perform an educational work with schools in Caxias do Sul. In these 15 years, close to 4.200 students benefitted from the project in eight participating schools. From 2009 to 2017, the chosen school was E.M.E.F. Professora Marianinha Queiroz.

Aiming to contribute in developing the educational environment, the school community, and forming citizens, the project favors integral education through social and educational activities, seeking to develop the multitude of dimensions of a human being. Among the chosen activities are teacher coaching, preparatory technical courses for the job market, implementing music in the school through orchestras and choirs, and sports activities. Besides that, the project also supports initiatives through financial and human resources.

These are some of the institutions who benefitted from the project since it began:

Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Irma?o Jose? Guerini (2003) - Focusing on Quality of Life

Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Raquel Grazziotin (2004) - Implementing a theater group, approaching subjects specific to teenage dilemmas.

Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Dario Granja Sant’anna (2005) - Focusing on Digital Inclusion.

Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Guerino Zugno (2006 e 2007) - Focusing on developing the students, helping them through the approval process in the Escola de Formação Profissional Marcopolo.

Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Ester Benvenutti (2008) - Revitalizing the physical structure and implementing sport activities for the students.

Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental São Vicente de Paulo (2008 a 2014) - Implementing full-time shifts in the school and developing the staff.

Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Ruben Bento Alves (2010 a 2015) - Revitalizing the school, reverse-shift activities and developing the staff.

Escola Municipal E. F. Professora Marianinha Queiroz (2009 a 2017), it was possible, in this school, to work with the entire community, involving students, teachers, and parents, towards sport and culture as aggregating factors to the education.

To know more about the Escolas Project, visit: