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25 de October de 2012

Project will award the winner with a jobin one of the largest companies in the region

Marcopolo is one of the sponsors of the unprecedented Future Administrator Talent Competition, which began yesterday, on October 24. Developed by Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha (FSG), the aim of the project is to discover young professionals with exceptional potential and ability to assume strategic positions in companies in the region of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul.
According to Walter Cruz, Corporate Strategy and Marketing Manager at Marcopolo, FSG's initiative, in partnership with some of the leading companies in the region, is a genuine milestone in education, training and professional qualification. "The contest will further boost the academic preparation of new professionals and reveal young talents with great potential to take on strategic positions," said Cruz.
Fourteen management students were selected, who will participate in a series of tests and activities, with themes based on content studied previously in the classroom, and which will demonstrate their knowledge of Strategic Management, Marketing Management, International Business, Negotiations and the Decision Making Process, People Management, Financial Management and General Administration.
The Future Administrator Talent Competition will be comprised of eight stages and, in each one, participants will be eliminated until the winner is announced. The most outstanding student will receive a job offer from one of the companies in the region.
In addition to Marcopolo, other partners in the Future Administrator Talent Competition include Agrale, Evolutiva - Consultancy in People Management, Alltech Group, Promob and Randon. FSG also enjoys the support of Croasonho, Impacto Positivo, Generosi Seguros, Excelência Consultores and Keko.

Photo credit: Júlio Soares