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10 de May de 2013


Paulo Bellini, Marcopolo’s President Emeritus,  will talk about the role of motivating people for business success 

The role of people in the history of Marcopolo’s international success is the theme of the lecture given by Paulo Bellini, President Emeritus of Marcopolo. He will speak at the opening of the Academic Week of the CCET (Center for Science and Technology) of the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), which will take place on May 13 at 20:30 p.m at UCS Theatre, located at the institution’s campus.

Paulo Bellini will talk about the importance and role of the engagement and commitment of employees for the projected growth of companies, as in the specific case of Marcopolo. The lecture will present the concepts, management practices, cases and stories of the people who helped to build the successful company nationally as well as internationally.

These concepts, practices, and study cases are part of the book "Marcopolo, your journey starts here", launched last December and now in its second edition. The publication is listed as Administration and Management and it represents a very interesting and enriching national study case for businessmen, entrepreneurs, college students and society in general.

Since launching a book about "human" stories of Marcopolo, Paulo Bellini has given several lectures. In April there were three events: the Exam Course PME in São Paulo, the 11th Book Fair of San Marcos in RS, and he was also a speaker at the Seminar In Search of Excellence, sponsored by PGQP Quality RS, National Quality Foundation (FNQ) and Sebrae at FIERGS in Porto Alegre.

At 86 years old, of which he dedicated nearly 64 to the company he co-founded and was instrumental in its transformation as one of the largest in the world, Paulo Bellini has carried through the book "Marcopolo, your journey starts here", several actions related to the preservation of the culture of Marcopolo and strengthening of values ​​and ethical principles. The President Emeritus is also responsible for building the company's brand image and for the fulfillment of Marcopolo’s social responsibility.

Picture by: Gilmar Gomes/Objetiva