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22 de November de 2011
NOTICE TO THE MARKET - Memorandum of understanding

MARCOPOLO S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: POMO3, POMO4) hereby announces that, through its subsidiary Syncroparts Comércio e Distribuição de Peças Ltda, a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed on November 21st, 2011, to initiate the establishment of a joint venture with Twice Investimentos e Participações Ltda, formed by the main shareholders of Caio Induscar Indústria e Comércio de Carrocerias Ltda.

The goal of the joint venture, to be set up on a parity basis, is to manufacture parts and accessories used in bus bodies, for the domestic market, as well produce specific bodies for the foreign market. It is worth noting that the new company will operate on a completely independent basis from the parties, and its products will have their own design and brand.

As of the signing of the MOU, the parties will have 45 days to complete the studies and assess the feasibility of launching this joint venture. The plan to be developed during this period will determine which parts and components will be produced, as well as where the company will be set up.


Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – November 22nd, 2011.

Carlos Zignani
Investor Relations Director